Hand-picked materials for professional iOS mobile app development, debugging, testing and deploying.
Green - junior level Orange - middle level Red - senior level Pink - license to kill
Курс «Разработка под iOS. Начинаем» от Яндекса [ru][video]
Apple UIKit documentation [en]
Stanford University's CS193p course [en|ru][video]
Курс «Разработка под iOS. Взлетаем» от Яндекса [ru][video]
Курс "iOS Multithreading" [ru][video]
Concurrency by tutorials [en][book]
Effective iOS Networking [ru][video]
"Programming iOS 13" - Matt Neuburg [en|ru][book]
RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift [en][book]
How to Play, Record and Merge Videos in iOS [en]
Как происходит компиляция в Xcode? [ru][video]
Mach-o, lldb, dSYM на практике [ru][video]
Text Handling in iOS [en][doc]
Локальные атаки на мобильные приложения [ru][video]
Advanced Apple Debugging and Reverse Engineering [en][book]
Основы безопасности iOS приложений [video]
"Clean code" - Robert Martin [en|ru][book]
Head First Design Patterns [en|ru][book]
Паттерны с объяснениями и примерами на разных языках
Becoming a better developer by using the SOLID design principles [en][video]
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [en|ru][book]
Feature toggles - Martin Fowler [en]
Microservices - Martin Fowler [en]
"Code Complete" - Steve McConnell [en|ru][book]
Comparing C to machine code [en][video]
Clean architecture by Robert Martin [en]
Clean / Viper for iOS [ru][video]
Modular Architecture in iOS [en]
Facebook iOS Architecture [en][video]
Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)
iOS Animations by Tutorials [en][book]
Уроки iOS Guidelines [ru][video]
«Психбольница в руках пациентов» - Алан Купер [ru|en][book]
Collection of Animation Github Repos
Carbon - create images of source code
Mockaroo - data and mocks generator
Apple Swift Documentation [en]
Apple Swift Language Reference
Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift [en][book]
Designing reusable Swift Libraries [en]
Swift Memory Layout [en][video]
"Grokking Algorithms" - Aditya Bhargava [en|ru][book]
"Introduction to Algorithms" - Thomas Cormen [en|ru][book]
LeetCode Swift - solutions to most interview problems in Swift
SwiftUI State Explained (State, ObjectBindings, EnvironmentObject) [video]
SwiftUI Hub - examples, tutorials, books and courses
How to build widgets for iOS 14 [en][video]
Getting Started with Unit Testing [en][video]
iOS Unit and UI Testing Tutorial [en]
XCTest + Swift: setUp/tearDown vs Factory Methods [en][video]
"TDD: By Example" - Kent Beck [en|ru][book]
"Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift" - Dominik Hauser [en][book]
Integration tests in Swift [en]
SourceTree (GitKraken / Fork) - Git client
Postman (Paw) - HTTP, API client
Asset Catalog Tinkerer - get assets from app
SwiftLint - static code analysis
Accessibility Inspector [en][video]
mitmproxy (Charles) - HTTP Proxy / Monitor
Periphery - search for unused code
MobSF / Mobile Security Framework
Hopper - reverse engineering tool [$]
cycript - modify running iOS apps
DevCleaner - clean Xcode caches
XcodeGen - generate Xcode proj from spec
Injectionlll - rebuild iOS simulator without rebuilding application
[iOS dev Weekly](https://kindly-dugong-2a2.notion.site/iOS-dev-Weekly-b80e2e19a1de4fd2b07e7efb7fc515cb)
[iOS Goodies](https://kindly-dugong-2a2.notion.site/iOS-Goodies-52c68a13474849ceb92a99e9682b9b01)